West Bridgewater Public Schools
Rose L. MacDonald School, Stepping Stone Drive
Mrs. Keitha Goulet M.Ed.PrincipalTel: 508 894-1240
kgoulet@wbridgewater.comFax: 508 894-1242
Rose L. MacDonald/facebook@rlmschool
Parents & Guardians: September 16, 2016
Well this is the first full week of school and the children seem to be adjusting fine. I hope the start of the school year has been as pleasant and smooth for you as it has been here at the school. Principal newsletters are the primary means of weekly communication. News and upcoming events will be included in these newsletters that arrive home via the Thursday home school envelope. Make sure to read about all the upcoming events and mark your calendars.
SUMMER READING: Congratulations to our RLM Summer Readers! I am pleased to announce that almost 130 students participated in our summer reading challenge – On Your Mark, Get Set…READ! Our readers enjoyed countless books, participating in reading activities for both our school and the town library. What a great way to start the new school year! Along with reading the recommended selection for their grade, children who read additional books will be recognized with a Summer Reading Excellence Award--and a few extra surprises. Certificates and prizes will be awarded today, Thursday, Sept. 16th.
READING BINGO: Students were invited to play our summer reading bingo game over vacation. It was designed to be a fun and engaging activity to help promote reading and writing practice. I am proud to announce that 85 students participated, earning 531 tickets towards a raffle for prizes. The following students have won a $10 gift card for their participation and having their raffle ticket pulled from the drawing: Brianna DePalma (Grade 1), Brady Hobbs (Grade 1), and Caroline Auger (Grade 2). Congratulations! Thank you again to the PTO for their support of the summer reading program.
BIRTHDAYS WITH THE PRINCIPAL: I will be joining September birthday students on Friday Sept. 23rd by grade level for lunch in the conference room. This will be a monthly event. The children and I will enjoy this special time together. Students bring a lunch from home or order their lunch at school. Any students with summer birthdays will be celebrated before the end of the school year.
INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PICTURES: Life Touch will be at RLM to take individual pictures of students on September 21, Wednesday. A reminder flyer was sent home with your child today. Mark your calendar
BOX TOP$: Mrs. Aldred has once again offered to volunteer for the BoxTop redemption program. Thank you to all parents who were clipping BoxTop Coupons during the summer months. Now that school has begun keep cutting, trimming and collecting. Let’s see how busy we can keep Mrs. Aldred with this important volunteer task. Keep in mind that we cannot submit expired BoxTops. Also, at this point in time there's no need to tape them to the BoxTops papers you may have. Simply sending them in a small baggy is perfect! To find out more info visit: http://www.boxtops4education.com
PTO MEETING: WBPTO has been able to provide educational programs and needed supplies and equipment for our students and staff. Come to the first meeting, Tuesday, Sept 20th at 7pm in the Howard School, to share ideas and see how you can help. Any amount of time you can give is always appreciated! *PTO meeting dates the school year are: 9/20/16, 10/18/ 11/15, 12/20, 1/17/17, 2/7, 3/21, 4/25 & 5/23. Meetings are held at 7pm in the Howard School Library. All parents and staff are welcome!
PTO FUNDRAISER: This year to help pay for lots of the extras and programs our children receive during their school day PTO will have a new Meadow Farms Fall Fundraiser. The materials for the fundraiser will be sent home with your child next week. The student who sells the highest quantity of products in each grade will win a $25 gift card to Target and the student in grades K-6 who sells the highest quantity of products will also win a Kindle Fire! Take a peek at the great products and yummy treats that Meadow Farms has to offer when you receive the material.
Reading is Fundamental (RIF): First distribution will be Oct. 4th - Tuesday. RIF would like to thank all the volunteers who assisted with distributions and activities this past school year. We had a lot of fun with contests, games, and guest readers. The fun will continue this school year. RIF would like to thank our donors who provide the funds that purchase the books; Friends of the Library, Howard Trust, Bridgewater Savings Bank, WBPTO, and Mrs. Kim Perrault. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact Laurie Polen polenl@me.com There are 3 distributions one on Oct. 4th, Jan. 10th, and April 11th each will be held on a Tuesday. A small commitment reaps great rewards when we foster the love of reading. We are looking forward to a fantastic new school year.
SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING: The next School Committee meeting is on Monday, Oct. 17th. It will be held at the MSHS in The Learning Commons at 6:30pm.
HALF DAY: Sept. 28th - Wed. - Noon Dismissal - No Lunch Served - In Service Workshop
EARLY RELEASE SURROUND CARE: Reminder that all early release registrations will be done via email. Paper registration forms will NOT be going home. If you would like your child to attend on Wed., Sept. 28th you will need to go to the school website and fill out the form on line. The online form must be completed no later than Mon., Sept. 26th.
SCHOOL DAY BEGINS – 8:30am: Children who are dropped off by parents/guardians AFTER 8:30am MUST go to the office for a tardy slip. If they do not, they may risk being on the absent list for the day. Please make every effort to get your child to school on time.
STUDENT ABSENCES:Absences should be reported to Mrs. Everett at ext. 200. If leaving a voice mail message, make sure you state your child’s name and the name of the classroom teacher
GREETINGS FROM THE WILDCAT CAFE! Farm to School - So far this year students have been served locally grown tomatoes, celery, corn, watermelon, honeydew, cucumbers and three varieties of apples. Some of the cherry tomatoes and celery even came from the RLM School Garden! Frozen Fridays - On Fridays, the cafeteria is offering frozen yogurt cups and reduced fat ice cream for sale at lunch. The frozen treats meets all nutrition standards and is available for $.75. Students packing a lunch can also purchase a treat. Please note that students cannot borrow for extra a la carte items. MySchoolbucks - We offer a convenient way for parents to add money to their child’s lunch account and to monitor transactions in the cafeteria. Contact Mrs. Ann Marie Grinder at agrinder@wbridgewater.com for your child’s MySchoolbucks ID# to set up an account. School Meal Prices- Lunch this year is $2.50 and a complete breakfast cost $1.25. Healthy a la carte items are also available for purchase at both meals for $.50-$.75.
SAFETY AT PARENT PICK UP (PPU):Everyone who uses the PPU dismissal must abide by the rules.
- DO NOT USE CELL PHONES: Please put your phones down for these few minutes and greet your child warmly as they get in the car. I appreciate your cooperation and hope everyone understands that a moving vehicle, especially one near children, needs the full attention of its driver.
- Do not park your car on the property of the RLM School and walk to the back door lobby to dismiss your child. You must stay in your car and follow the flow of traffic. The principal (or teacher) will be calling the students and the teacher by the door will instruct them when they can board the appropriate car safely.
- Please instruct your child to board the car on the passenger side ONLY. Our police, fire, and highway department are monitoring our parking lot to ensure it is in alignment with the fire and safety codes during dismissal time. W.B. Police are supporting us during our busy dismissal time and they plan to standby our efforts. DRIVERS & ANY PASSENGERS MUST REMAIN IN THE CAR and follow the flow of traffic – use of the playground area during dismissal time is forbidden.
- Teach your child how to put his/her own seat belt on and how to open and close the car door independently.
- If your child does not exit the building after you have given your child’s name to the staff member, please pull all the way around to the first car position, Your child’s name will be called again and directed toward your car. Please do not stop at the doors, as it slows down the flow of traffic behind you.
- If a grandparent/caregiver is picking your child up for the first time, please share with them this protocol.
Keitha Goulet
The West Bridgewater Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, or disability.