Tommy's "MAGIC of Books" program is second to none as he promotes READING and BOOKS in this 45 minute magic show that inspires children to turn OFF their televisions and video games and turn ON to the THRILL OF READING! Today the children witnessed how reading inspires imagination as some very popular story books come to life. THE VELVETEEN RABBIT, THE SECRET GARDEN & CHARLOTTE'S WEB are a few of the books utilized in this exciting educational performance of fun and laughter! Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring this great program
11 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Upcoming Read Across America Theme Days: MONDAY 3/4 -Books make us BRAVE! Dress like a superhero! TUESDAY 3/5-Try-out Tuesday. Dress like your favorite athlete or dress to represent your favorite sports team! WEDNESDAY 3/6- Wild About Books Wednesday. Rock that animal print, animal costumes, or clothes that have animals on them! THURSDAY 3/7- Silly Stories with Dr. Seuss. Wear those wacky clothes or dress like a Dr. Seuss book character! FRIDAY 3/8- Cozy up with a book: Reading is RELAXING. Come to school in your favorite jammies and bring your favorite book! Flashlights are welcome too.
11 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
read across america
Look at these exciting upcoming PTO events!
11 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Today we recognize the valuable work school resource officers (SROs) provide to our schools each day. Thank you to our SRO Officer Pope!
11 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
sro day
Reminder: Half Day of School on Wednesday February 7, 2024. Dismissal is at 12 noon
11 months ago, Mrs. Keitha Goulet
Look at what we've learned, what we've done and what's to come in our February Newsletter
12 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Celebrating 100 Days Of School...Time Flies When You're Having Fun!
12 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
WB Arts Boosters are looking for a new logo design and they need your help!
12 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
We started our "animals in winter" unit this week in first grade. We have been learning how humans get warm by going inside, wearing layers, snuggling up in blankets, etc. and comparing it to different animals and their winter adaptions. We read about and watched videos showing penguin huddles to stay warm in Antarctica so we decided to try it out for ourselves!
12 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
penguin huddle
Last Friday all Grade 2 students participated in the “Read for 2024” Reading and Pizza Party. Students wore their pajamas to school to ensure maximum comfort and were challenged to read for 2024 seconds. They enjoyed a delicious pizza party lunch to celebrate. Congratulations to all second graders for their accomplishment! Many thanks to Grand Slam for filling our large pizza order, the PTO for sponsoring our event, and Ann Marie Grinder and the cafeteria staff for providing fresh veggies, drinks, and ice cream treats for all students!
12 months ago, Melissa Chmielinski
pizza party
After last year's success, we are thrilled to announce our second annual February Vacation Mini Camp!  Brought to you by your favorite STEAM camp team, these three enrichment half days will be a wonderful wacky winter whirlwind! Signups are now live--the website with all the information is Our programs consistently fill quickly, so register today to guarantee your spot.
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Reminder: There is No School on Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
martin luther king day
Grade 1 enjoyed a visit from Delilah today, an Inflatable right whale who is 45ft long 15ft wide and 15ft tall! They got to go inside the whale to learn all about its body and what it eats. They also looked at, and touched, real whale vertebrae and baleen (whale teeth). Students then colored their own right whale picture, and named their whale. It was definitely a whale of a time! Thank you again to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation and the WBPTO for another amazing presentation!
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
whale teeth
whale teeth
whale teeth
A chance to win TWO luxury suite Celtics tickets and help support the PTO! ▪️$15 per raffle ticket ▫️Payment via Venmo to WBPTO. Please include “Celtics Tickets” and your name in notes. ( Only selling 200 tickets ) ▪️Winner will announced at our Ziti with My Sweetie Event. You do not have to be present to win!
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Reminder that tomorrow Wednesday, January 10th is a Half Day of School. Dismissal at the RLM is 12pm.
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
half day
Look at all of the happenings to come in the start of our new year!
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Our next session of enrichment starts next week! The website with all of the information is Register today to guarantee your spot. Sandy Churchill
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Happy Holidays! Here's wishing you all the joys of the season and the happiness all throughout the upcoming year!!
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski
Student dressed in christmas outfit
student with grinch facepaint
Students scowling like the grinch
Students in christmas pajamas
Students in christmas pajamas
Coed Flag Football Registration is now Open through 3/1. West Bridgewater Youth Flag Football Games will be played on Sunday's starting 4/21. We are always looking for volunteers to help with coaching, please let us know if you are able to help -
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Keitha Goulet
Our next session of enrichment is beginning in January—and signups are now live! The website with all the information is Classes fill quickly, so register today to guarantee your spot. Sandy Churchill
about 1 year ago, Melissa Chmielinski