In addition to completing the online registration, all students entering kindergarten in the West Bridgewater Public Schools will be screened. Please use this link to sign up for a screening appointment. 2025-2026 Kindergarten Screening Signup
Please complete this developmental questionnaire to help us learn more about your child. Kindergarten Development Questionnaire
We would like to welcome you to our school district. In order to help your son or daughter enroll as quickly as possible, we have put together the following list of information you will need to provide to us PRIOR to your son or daughter being officially enrolled as a student with West Bridgewater Public Schools.
No In-person registrations will be accepted. All registrations must be completed through Aspen.
If you need assistance accessing Aspen, please send an email to
Please include your full name and child's name when requesting support.
If you are brand new to West Bridgewater
To begin, visit
You must setup your account in Aspen. Please watch the video below for instructions on how to setup your account. Once your account is setup, log into Aspen and begin the registration process.
NOTE: There is currently an issue where you may get a blank page when you click on the link to verify your email address. If you are unable to login due to this issue, please send an email to:
How to register for a new Aspen Account
If you currently have and Aspen Account
Login with your existing Aspen Username and Password
Click "Initiate" under "Start a New Student Registration"

Required Documentation
Required Proof of Residency Documents:
If you own the property, we require BOTH:
Copy of most recent tax bill
Copy of most recent utility bill (cable, electric, landline phone, etc.) or mortgage statement.
If you lease/rent, we require BOTH:
Notarized copy of lease with a copy of the property owner’s most recent property tax bill
Copy of most recent utility bill in your name (cable, electric, landline phone, etc.).
If you are living with an individual or relative, we require ALL:
Notarized affidavit ( see attached ) from the property owner stating the child is currently living at a West Bridgewater address with a copy of the property owner’s most recent property tax bill
Copy of the most recent bill, document or statement in your name mailed to you at the West Bridgewater address.
Any applicant for the West Bridgewater Public Schools who cannot produce a property deed or lease must ask the owner of the property, where the applicant lives, to complete and sign this legal affidavit - Residency Affidavit
Without proper proof of residency, the student will not be allowed to enroll in the West Bridgewater Public Schools.
Students attending through the school choice program do not need to upload proof of residency documentation.
The WBPS residency policy does not apply to students experiencing homelessness.
Please contact our District's McKinney-Vento Liaison Kathy Marble at or 508-894-1236 for assistance regarding the enrollment process for homeless students.
Other Required Documentation
Birth Certificate (Required)
Immunization Record (Required)
Most Recent Report Card (Required grades 1-12)
Release of Records - Please print out, sign, and upload along with your other documentation when you register your child.
Please also provide any other supporting documents, such as IEP’s, 504’s, Legal Documents, Custody Agreements, etc.
Current physical examination and immunization history (including a lead test and record of a vision screening completed by your child's physician).
Home Language Survey
Nonstandard enrollments may require additional documents. Please call the Superintendent's Office at 508-894-1230, option 5 or email for information.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application - Please visit the Food Services Page