Multilingual Learners

The vision of the West Bridgewater Multilingual Department is to provide students with high quality instruction in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment, as they engage in meaningful and rigorous curricula that promotes linguistic and academic growth.  As students prepare to thrive in all future academic and social settings, they will be encouraged to celebrate their multilingualism and their unique contributions to our community.

Warmer weather is on the way, but the cold is still with us! Please have students dress appropriately for cold weather. Recess will be held outside on most days!

Fun in the Sun

Howard School Multilingual students, sharing friendship on a beautiful, sunny day at Friendship Park!


Our Spring Family Event is in the planning stages! Stay Tuned!


ACCESS results will be shared with parents in Early May!

ML Department Staff

(From left to right)

Theresa OLoughlin, Carol Stahl, *Erika Cashman (ML Coordinator), Kristine Roberts

ML Dept Staff



English Language Learning available at the West Bridgewater Public Library


RMV Offering CDL Exam in Spanish and Portuguese: 
School bus drivers are required to possess a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). In an effort to expand the workforce, the state Registry of Motor Vehicles recently announced that Commercial Learner’s Permit exams are now available in Spanish and Portuguese.

CDL vehicles

Our 2024 Fall Multilingual Family Night was so much fun!!!!

We enjoyed spending time with you! We would like to again thank Vineyard Farms, Children's Museum in Easton, West Bridgewater Public Library, Mary Wynn-Yee, and Ann Marie Grinder and staff, for helping the ML Department Team put together an amazing night for our Multilingual Families!

March gathering at the WBPL for Games, Pizza, Mingling and Literacy! Thanks to all who attended!

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Family Fun Night

Multilingual Family Survey!!

raised handa

Adult ESL - FREE

Click the link for info. - MassLINKS Online Academy

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Questions, Text Features, Smiling Faces and Brazilian Capoeira!

Club Fair at the MSHS