Like so many in our community and beyond, we have been witnessing the events that have unfolded over the past 10 days, triggered by the horrific and senseless death of George Floyd. Just like you, we are grappling with a myriad of emotions ranging from disgust, sadness, anger, frustration, and consternation. But as history has shown on numerous occasions, out of the most trying and challenging times can come to the greatest opportunity for growth and change.
We cannot sit by and let George Floyd’s beautiful and moving memorial service be an ending, it must be a beginning to an era of hope and meaningful social change. Education is a powerful tool and as school administrators, we need to intensify our commitment to address inequalities and dismantle systemic racism.
Some people may feel that addressing these issues in our community is not necessary because our community is not vastly diverse. However, our lack of diversity is exactly why we must ensure that we teach tolerance and eliminate any racism, bias, and discrimination, both conscious and unconscious, from our schools.
As administrators of the West Bridgewater Public Schools, we stand committed to renewing the values of respect, equity, and empathy by examining our educational practices through the lens of a more diverse and culturally sensitive curriculum.