The West Bridgewater School Committee meeting that was previously scheduled for Monday, August 23rd has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 26th. The meeting will be held at the MSHS in the Learning Commons and will start at 6:30 pm. On the School Committee agenda will be the opening of the school year, including all relevant COVID-19 protocols and procedures. The meeting date was changed so we will have the most updated information from DESE related to COVID-19. On Friday, August 20th the Commissioner of Education, Jeffrey Riley, announced that on Tuesday, August 24th he will be asking the Board of Education to grant him the authority to require masks be worn by all students and staff in school buildings for the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Here are the WB bus routes If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school directly.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
WB Bus Routes for 2021-2022 will be posted on the websites and available at the schools later today.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Summer Check In - Hello WB families, I hope you are having a wonderful summer break. Yesterday I sent out an email to all families which included a survey link. We will be providing more email updates as we get closer to the start of school. Take care.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Last Day of School in WB - We hope that all of our students, staff and families have a wonderful, safe and relaxing summer break. I want to thank everyone in our school community for pulling together during this difficult year and making it a great one. Wildcat PRIDE!
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Check out the West Bridgewater Summer Concert Series at the Town Hall Gazebo
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Check out the Art I and Art II projects from Mrs. McMurrays students. Great work!!
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Attention Parents/Guardians - Check out the CATS camp which will be at the MSHS on the turf field this summer. FREE 4 week sports and conditioning camp for grades 3-8 July 6-29 Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-11am
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Summer Wildcat Academy - A reminder to WB families the survey for our summer program was sent out yesterday through email to all families in the district. We are excited to offer programs for our students over the summer.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Superintendent Coffee Hour - the next meeting with Mr. Bodwell will be on Friday, May 14th at 9am.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
A HUGE thank you to 7-Eleven and their Project A-Game grant. They have donated $1,000 to West Bridgewater Public Schools! Thank you for your generosity and for giving back to the West Bridgewater community! The donation is greatly appreciated and will be helping our students.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of our AMAZING educators in WB. Thank you for all you do continuing to go above and beyond expectations. This has been the most difficult year but thank you for your continued dedication to the youth of West Bridgewater. Great job everyone!
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
There are a few spots left for the American Red Cross Blood Drive tomorrow at the MSHS. Click on the link to see if any available times can work for you.
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
So excited to welcome back our students in grades 7-12 today for full time learning! Check out the pictures on our Facebook page and Twitter page @WBPSwildcats
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Welcome Back! So excited to welcome our WB Elementary students K-6 back today! If you have not seen the Welcome Back video by our staff check it out
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Check out the Paw Print Fundraiser by the WB PTO. More information on the WBPTO Facebook page. Great way to show your Wildcat Pride!
over 3 years ago, Mark Bodwell
paw 2
WB Return to School Dates April 5th - Kindergarten - Grade 6 SSS, RLM and Howard) April 12th - Grades 7-12 (MSHS) Detailed information has been sent home to the WB families and follow up information will be sent by each principal. Cant wait to all be back!
almost 4 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Superintendent Coffee Hour - The next Coffee Hour with Mr. Bodwell will be on Friday, March 19th at 9am. It will be virtual and a google meet link will be sent out to the families. As always there will be an agenda of topics but then Q and A time.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Bodwell
West Bridgewater COVID-19 PCR Testing Drive Thru on February 27th and 28th at the WB Public Safety Building at 99 West Center Street. Everyone is welcome. Check out the flyer for more details.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Bodwell
COVID Testing
WB School Choice - Applications are due by Friday, February 26th. Here is the link for the application and additional information
almost 4 years ago, Mark Bodwell