Multilingual Testing Information
WIDA Screener
The WIDA Screener is an online assessment tool used to initially determine the English language proficiency of new multilingual students (MLs) grades K-12, for purposes of deciding program placement. The screener assesses each of the four language domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. The score a student receives helps to determine the level of support and services they may need to acquire social and academic English in a timely manner as well as support in their content area classrooms.
All ESL teachers are trained and recertified every two years in the administration of the WIDA Screener for ML student placement.
Understanding WIDA Testing
MCAS and Multilingual Learners
State and federal laws require that all students educated with Massachusetts public funds (including students with disabilities and ML students) participate in the MCAS assessments scheduled for their grade levels.
MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) is the state-wide assessment program for students in multiple grade levels that measures student achievement in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and Science.
Schools may choose to administer the MCAS ELA tests to first-year MLs but first-year EL students must participate in MCAS Mathematics and Science and Technology/Engineering tests.
Several accommodations may be available to MLs when taking the MCAS exam. Decisions about which universal and designated accessibility features, and which accommodations, are appropriate for an ML student should be made by a group of educators familiar with the student.
ACCESS for ELLs Assessment
Each school district is required to have a system in place to screen, track and evaluate multilingual students’ (MLs) growth in both English proficiency and academic achievement by using diagnostic, formative, interim and summative assessments. Federal and state laws require districts to assess MLs annually to measure their proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking English, as well as the progress they are making in learning English. The ACCESS For ELLS is the annual assessment used. ALL MLs are to take the ACCESS, even those who have opted out of English language programs/services.
The ACCESS is a language proficiency test designed to measure MLs social and academic language proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English used within the school context as well as the language associated with language arts, mathematics, science and social studies across the four language domains (listening, speaking, reading, writing). The scores produced by ACCESS for MLs will identify which proficiency level an ML has achieved at the time of the assessment (mid-year) in each of the single domains of speaking, listening, reading and writing and the composite areas of literacy, oral language and overall proficiency. Results are received by the school in the Spring and shared with parents.
All ESL teachers are trained and recertified every two years in the administration of the ACCESS for ML assessment.