\r\nThe maintenance department is looking for a few Junior Class students interested in working with them over the summer. Please come to the office for an application. If you have any questions about the job position or what the pay is please contact
\r\nThe class elections are scheduled for Thursday during Powerblock. The only speeches to be given are from two students for the vice-president position. All other positions are non-contested.
\r\nThere will be a Student Council meeting tomorrow morning at 7am in the auditorium! All high school students are welcome to attend.
\r\nThe photo club will meet today at powerblock in room 202
\r\nJuniors taking AP US History should meet in room 202 at PB on Monday June 6th to get your summer assignments. Please see Mr. Ennis with any Questions
\r\n(6/1) The Wildcat Cafe is serving brunch at break today. Don’t forget to take at least one serving of veggies or fruit!