\r\nThe PTO is looking for volunteers for Santa Breakfast on Saturday, December 10th, 8am to Noon at the Howard School. Please contact Stephanie O'Malley@ This is a fun way to earn community service hours.
Does your powerblock want to win a pizza party? Well if you do there will be a school-wide powerblock challenge. The powerblock that collects the most amount of coins will win. All proceeds will go to help support our classmate, Bella, who is battling cancer. The challenge will start Monday November 28th and end on Wednesday December 7th. There will be one winner from high school and one from middle school. So start to gather your change!
\r\nAll Ski Club forms and money are due today. If you forgot them, call whoever controls your life to drop them off. See Mr. Cray with any questions.
\r\n(Read after Monday) On Monday the 28th we will be starting a school wide powerblock challenge for Bella. You can bring in any spare change to your powerblock. There will be 2 winners, 1 from high school and 1 from middle school. The winners will earn a pizza/pasta party. This challenge will go until December 7 so bring in as much change as you can by then!
\r\nAttention members of the Spanish Honor Society. Our next monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 30th at 7:10am in Room 114. Attendance is mandatory! Please see Señora Oliveira with any issues.
\r\nAll students will have a special selection at break today! Featured items include french toast sticks, confetti pancakes, turkey-shaped soft pretzels with cheese, breakfast sandwiches and yogurt and granola parfaits with rainbow sprinkles. Hashbrown patties are available with everything.
\r\nPlease! ONE juice per meal! Extra juices can often be found in the share bucket.