


Attention WB!  Is the holiday season leaving you a little stressed and exhausted?  What you need is a night of laughter!  Join the drama club as we present “ROM-COM Live!”, an evening of romance, light comedy and laughs.  The event will be presented next Tuesday, December 20th, at 7 pm.  Tickets are only $5 and will be available at the door pre-show.  In lieu of tickets, you can make a comparable contribution to the WB Food Pantry upon entering.  All proceeds will go to supporting the Drama Club and our spring musical!  


But WAIT! Show concessions will be available and all funds will go to supporting our new BEST BUDDIES chapter.  It’s a win-win winter event!  See you at the show!




A visit from the US Army is happening today at 8:30 in the Guidance conference room.  These are the students who signed up but have not picked up their passes:  Berdy Charles, Caoimhe Convery, Melinda Holdsworth, Shelby Laime, Patrick Lyman, Tristan McQuade, Dustin Panos, Shantel Skippar and Julie Wiederhold.


Congratulations to Hannah Freeman!  She has been accepted into the University of Tampa and the honors program at Merrimack College.  Way to go!




The Wildcat Cafe is serving cheese, pepperoni and bacon pizza, chicken patties, beef and cheese and buffalo nachos, and chicken nuggets and soft pretzel sticks for lunch. Sausage on a stick with tots, pretzels, breakfast sandwiches, smoothies, uncrustables and assorted pastries are available at break.